
Composing Email Settings

Managing your outgoing email settings is super easy.

  1. Click the Settings link, located in the upper right corner of the email window.
  2. Click Composing Email in the left pane.  You're there!  Let's explore your options.

Composing Tab


  •  Use auto-complete when addressing email—Select the check box if you want webmail to attempt to complete typed names or email addresses with a matching email address from your contact list.
  •  Display the Frequent Contacts box—Select the check box if you want to use the Frequent Contacts box, which appears in the Compose Email window.
  •  Disable browser's built-in spell checker—Select the check box if you want to disable your browser's built-in, automatic spell checker, in preference of webmail's built in spell checker.
  •  Save outgoing email in the Sent folder—Select the check box to save a copy of all outgoing email. Sent email will be stored in the Sent folder.
  •  Default font in HTML format—Select a default font for HTML-formatted email.
  •  Default font size in HTML format—Select a default font size for HTML-formatted email.
  •  Check for a blank subject before sending—Select the check box to receive a warning if you try to send an email with no subject.
  •  Check for missing attachments before sending—Select the check box to receive a warning if you meant to send an attachment but did not attach one. Any message that includes a form of the word "attach" but does not have an attachment will activate this alert.

Replying and Forwarding Citations

  • When you forward or reply to an email, the original message will be appended to the email. 

Identities Tab

  • An identity allows you to quickly change the name, email address, and reply address on your outgoing email. If you create multiple identities, you can change them in the From drop-down menu at the top of the Compose Email window.  For a complete How-To, see our article, Add/Edit/Delete Identities.

Signatures Tab



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