
Add, Edit, or Delete a Signature

  1. Go to and login
  2. Click upper right hand menu > Settings 
  3. Composing Email > Signatures
  4. Save!

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Note: To use a signature as a default, it must be selected as part of an identity. To learn more, please see the article, "Add/Edit/Delete Identities."

Select additional options, as desired:

  •  To automatically insert the signature when composing a new email, select the Always show signature when composing an email check box.
  •  To automatically insert the signature when you are replying to an email, select the When replying to an email, insert my signature check box. Also, specify whether the signature should appear above or below the body of the message.
  •  To automatically insert the signature when you are forwarding an email, select the When forwarding an email, insert my signature check box. Also, specify whether the signature should appear above or below the body of the message.
  • When you are composing a message, you can select a signature from the Signature drop-down menu, which appears at the bottom of the Compose Email window.


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